My Digital Registered Letter logo My Digital Registered Letter

The website

My groups

In this section you can create, edit or delete groups of recipients as well as manage your address book. When sending an electronic registered letter from your XEROX multi-function device, you can choose to send it to one of these groups and/or to the recipients of the MDRL Address Book.

{info} Your groups of recipients will be synchronized with the AR24 website

Create a group of recipients

Click on Add a group

Fill in the name of the group, fill out the form to add contacts, then click on Save

Required fields are:

  • for a private contact, email, last name and first name
  • for a professional contact, email and company name

{info} To add recipients from an Excel file, go to your AR24 space and go to the My Groups section to import them

Edit a group

Next to your group name, click on Edit

You can add, edit, or delete group contacts.

The MDRL Address Book

It must not be confused with the XEROX multi-function device address book. This address book is specific to the MDRL application.
It allows you to register recipients that you can select individually from your XEROX multi-function device when sending an electronic registered letter.

My models

An electronic registered letter is accompanied by a text stating the nature of the correspondence. The templates allow you to quickly and easily choose an existing text from the XEROX multi-function device.

Create a template

Click on Add Template

Fill in the title of the template and fill in its contents.

You can choose to share a template with your AR24 team members.

Click on Save

{danger.fa-exclamation-triangle} Members of your team can edit or delete a shared template

See a model

Click on the title of a template to preview it.

Edit a template

Next to the title of your model, click Edit